5 Strategies For Athletes to Relieve Performance Anxiety

Feb 2024

As coaches and sport leaders, we play a pivotal role in helping our athletes manage and
relieve performance anxiety. Performance anxiety, if not addressed, can severely hinder
an athlete’s ability to perform at their best. This article outlines five effective strategies
that athletes can use to alleviate performance anxiety, and how we, as their coaches,
can foster these strategies.

  1. Practice Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques
    Encouraging athletes to engage in mindfulness and relaxation techniques can
    significantly reduce anxiety levels. Techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, and
    progressive muscle relaxation can help calm the mind and body, especially before a big
    event. As coaches, we can incorporate these practices into training sessions, allowing
    athletes to become familiar and comfortable with them.
  2. Visualization and Mental Rehearsal
    Visualization or mental rehearsal involves athletes picturing themselves succeeding in
    their sport. This technique can enhance confidence and reduce anxiety by mentally
    preparing athletes for competition. We can guide our athletes through visualization
    exercises, helping them to create a vivid and successful image of their performance.
  3. Practice Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques
    Encouraging athletes to engage in mindfulness and relaxation techniques can
    significantly reduce anxiety levels. Techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, and
    progressive muscle relaxation can help calm the mind and body, especially before a big
    event. As coaches, we can incorporate these practices into training sessions, allowing
    athletes to become familiar and comfortable with them.
  4. Focus on Process Over Outcome
    Shifting your athlete’s focus temporarily from winning to the process of performance can
    alleviate the pressure associated with competition. Emphasizing skill development,
    effort, and personal best can help athletes concentrate on what they can control. We
    can foster this mindset by setting process-oriented goals and providing feedback
    focused on effort and skill mastery.
  5. Open Communication and Support
    Creating an environment where athletes feel comfortable discussing their anxieties is
    crucial. Encourage open communication and provide a supportive network. We can
    achieve this by being approachable, actively listening to our athletes’ concerns, and
    offering reassurance and encouragement.

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Curious and Inspired! 🦉➡️

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Please note: This article is intended for informational purposes only and should not
replace the advice of a mental health professional. If you suspect an athlete is dealing
with high levels of stress or a mental health issue, seek professional help immediately.
 Weinberg, R., & Gould, D. (2019). Foundations of Sport and Exercise Psychology
(7th ed.). Human Kinetics. This text provides a comprehensive overview of sport
and exercise psychology, including techniques for managing performance
 Gardner, F. L., & Moore, Z. E. (2017). Mindfulness and Acceptance Models in
Sport Psychology: A Decade of Basic and Applied Scientific Advancements.
Canadian Psychology/Psychologie Canadienne, 58(4), 309-318. DOI:
10.1037/cap0000115. This article discusses the application of mindfulness and
acceptance in sports.
 Thomas, O., Mellalieu, S. D., & Hanton, S. (2009). Stress management in applied
sport psychology. In B. W. Brewer (Ed.), Sport psychology (pp. 267-290). Wiley-
Blackwell. This chapter discusses various stress management techniques
applicable in sports.