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Effectiveness of daily subjective wellness measurements via mobile applications in predicting perceived exertion and training load

This study delves into how pre-training wellness, measured via a mobile app, impacts the perceived exertion and overall training load in collegiate female soccer players across an entire competitive season. By analyzing the players’ self-reported wellness metrics and their exertion levels during sessions, the research highlights the crucial role of mood in predicting how hard players feel they’ve worked during training. This insight underscores the significance of tracking and managing athletes’ wellness to optimize their performance and maintain their well-being throughout the season.

Pre-Session Wellness Matters: Players’ self-reported wellness before training significantly affects how hard they feel they worked afterward.

Mood is Key: A positive mood reported before training sessions tends to lower how hard players feel they exerted during the session.

Player Tracking: Using mobile apps to monitor wellness alongside GPS tracking during training sessions can provide valuable insights into player exertion and overall load.

Optimizing Performance: Focusing on improving player mood might effectively reduce their perceived effort during training, optimizing their performance.

Wellness Management: Managing and enhancing athletes’ wellness could be crucial in balancing their training load and maintaining their well-being throughout a competitive season.